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Modelling Dyn5 Transformers

asked 2017-03-30 03:29:50 -0600

mand84 gravatar image


I want to model a Dyn5 transformer. I have tried setting the ang1 value to 150 and the connection code to 3.

No problem with connection code 3, but the load flow refuses to solve for ang1=150.

I want to do this in order to get the phase angles correct in a fault level calculation. The load flow is actually of no interest to me, just a means of getting to the result.

What are my options? Is it necessary to set ang1 at all or is it enough with cc=3.

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answered 2017-03-31 10:39:13 -0600

EBahr gravatar image

I might be wrong, but I don't believe the fault duty calculations use any information from the power flow simulation data. I believe it just calculates every thing based on the impedances. So I wouldn't worry about it being able to solve or not as it should be able to calculate the faults just fine without solving. For what it's worth, our fault duty file does not solve either and has no generation dispatched (although the machines are in service).

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Thanks for the answer! The fault calculation seems to use the bus voltages from the load flow only if you specify that.

mand84 gravatar imagemand84 ( 2017-04-05 05:35:38 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-03-30 03:29:50 -0600

Seen: 511 times

Last updated: Mar 31 '17