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2022-07-22 20:26:34 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-06-29 01:12:55 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-06-28 05:08:36 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-06-26 23:31:32 -0500 asked a question power flow convergence,but Pgen is greater than Pmax

We are calculating the power flow convergence of some cases, but we encounter a strange phenomenon. The power flow calculation result is the system power flow convergence, but the Pgen of swing generator is greater than Pmax. The detailed results are as follows



31 BUS-31 100.00 797.9* 600.0 0.0 262.1 99900.0-99900.0

  1. We can see that pgen is 797.7 and Pmax is 600, but the result is power flow convergence. We are very confused about this. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? At the same time, we want to know whether pgen and Pmax can be obtained through python. Then, we help judge the convergence by comparing their values.
  2. Is there a way to judge whether the system generator output, branch power flow and node voltage meet the limits through Python. Thank you very much.
2022-06-22 20:23:18 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-04-02 01:50:10 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-03-25 14:26:35 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-03-23 10:12:19 -0500 commented answer some questions about power flow adjustment

Thank you very much. It is very useful.

2022-03-23 10:12:19 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2022-03-22 09:14:34 -0500 asked a question some questions about power flow adjustment

Hello everyone

I want to carry out some experiments of power flow adjustment in PSS/E. 1)When I set the system power imbalance, the power flow solver can always make the system converge. However, in some cases, the power of the balancing machine will exceed the limit. I know that if the power of the balancing machine does not exceed the limit, the power flow of the system will not converge. However, I need this sick power flow scenario, because I hope to change this situation by switching capacitors /reactors. How can I avoid the balancing machine power out of limit by setting PSS/E. 2)Since I have not used capacitors/reactors in PSS/E before, I do not know the meaning of some of these parameters. For example, I don't know how to choose the control model and adjustment method. I don't know the meaning of binit, BLK Steps and BLK Bstep (Mvar).

I really need your help. Any idea or suggestion is OK. I would be very grateful, and I look forward to sharing these issues with you.

2021-08-14 02:26:28 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-08-03 02:37:15 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-31 08:36:52 -0500 answered a question some questions about type 4 wind machine

I have sloved the second question. But I don't know why this can succeed.Thank you and platform for your help.

And I want to ask if anyone has the parameters of the type 4 wind machine(repca,reeca,regca,wtgta).

2021-07-31 03:24:58 -0500 commented question Integration of udm with generic plant controller (REPCA1)

Hello, have you solved this problem?

2021-07-31 02:25:07 -0500 asked a question some questions about type 4 wind machine

Hello everyone

As we all know,a general type 4 wind model contains repca,reeca and regca.The repca can send Pref and Qref to reeca .Qref and Pref in reeca can be initialized by the model to a constant or can be connected to an external plant controller model.So I had my first doubt.

  1. I want to know what is the difference between these two settings, that is, when they can be set as constants and when they can be connected with external control models(ie. repc_a).

I guess repca sends information to reeca through WPCMND and WQCMND.So I designed an auxiliary control model and successfully compiled it into DLL file through environment manager. After I set up the dyr file, I successfully added the DLL file to the dynamic simulation.But then the problem arises. I find that it can't pass the information(Pref and Qref) to reec-a.Qref and Pref in reeca are?constants. It can only run alone and cannot interact with other modules.I don't know how PSS / E engineers make repca and reec_a transfer information(They are all user-defined models). I wonder if there was an error in mode 3 of the program.The code for mode 3 is as follows:


I thought that after such positioning, reec could automatically obtain WQCMND and WPCMND, but it proved that I was wrong .I don't know how to connect user-defined model and reec_a, and I don't know whether it's appropriate to write like this.So I have a second question.

2 .What should I do to make them contact and convey information?Do I need to call reec_a in mode 3?

I really need your help. Any idea or suggestion is OK. I would be very grateful.

2021-07-29 08:10:50 -0500 answered a question Some questions about user-defined wind countrol model(induction machine)

I have solved the first two problems, but the third problem still bothers me.

2021-07-29 08:09:31 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-07-28 20:27:15 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-28 09:09:00 -0500 asked a question question about user-defined(initiation failed:mode can't euq 1)(codes can be seen as follows)

Hello everyone

I successfully obtained the DLL file through psse environment manager and successfully added it to the dynamic file.But when I run dynamic files, DLL file don't work. After I initialize the dynamic file, the values and descriptions of model cons can be displayed normally. However, the values of model vars have not changed. They are always 0, which are not equal to the values I defined in FORTRAN code.It is like that at run time, the mode of this DLL file can only be equal to 8, not 1, 2, 3 and 4. Some codes are as follows:

           SUBROUTINE F1(I,ISLOT) 
              INCLUDE 'COMON4.INS'  
             INTEGER I,ISLOT 
            INTRINSIC MAX,ABS    
             INTEGER J,K,L
            IF(.NOT.(MODE.EQ.8))  GO TO 32759     
 32759   J=STRTIN(1,ISLOT)    
               IF(MODE .GT. 4) RETURN !     
              GO TO (100,200,300,400), MODE!
 100       VAR(L)=1.0!TOTALINERTIA  
             VAR(L+4)=1.0        !DERIVDELTAFCOI    
 200     DSTATE(K)=(-1/CON(J)*VAR(L+1)-STATE(K))/CON(J+2)
 300     WIPCMD(I)=STATE(K)+STATE(K+1)+VAR(L+1)!
 400     IF((K+1).GT.NINTEG) NINTEG=K+1
            END SUBROUTINE F1

The whole code does not run part 32759 when the program is running.Mode can be equal to 8, but cannot be equal to other numbers such as 1, 2, 3 and 4.I feel very confused. I don't know if anyone has the same problem. I don't know if I have described the problem clearly.I look forward to your reply.

2021-07-28 09:05:51 -0500 asked a question questions about user-defined(initialization failed:mode can not equ 1)

Hello everyone

I successfully obtained the DLL file through psse environment manager and successfully added it to the dynamic file.But when I run dynamic files, DLL file don't work. After I initialize the dynamic file, the values and descriptions of model cons can be displayed normally. However, the values of model vars have not changed. They are always 0, which are not equal to the values I defined in FORTRAN code.It is like that at run time, the mode of this DLL file can only be equal to 8, not 1, 2, 3 and 4. Some codes are as follows:

           SUBROUTINE F1(I,ISLOT) 
              INCLUDE 'COMON4.INS'  
             INTEGER I,ISLOT 
            INTRINSIC MAX,ABS    
             INTEGER J,K,L,IB     
            IF(.NOT.(MODE.EQ.8))  GO TO 32759     
 32759   J=STRTIN(1,ISLOT)    
               IF(MODE .GT. 4) RETURN !     
              GO TO (100,200,300,400), MODE!
 100       VAR(L)=1.0!TOTALINERTIA  
             VAR(L+4)=1.0        !DERIVDELTAFCOI    
 200     DSTATE(K)=(-1/CON(J)*VAR(L+1)-STATE(K))/CON(J+2)
 300     WIPCMD(I)=STATE(K)+STATE(K+1)+VAR(L+1)!
 400     IF((K+1).GT.NINTEG) NINTEG=K+1

The whole code does not seem to run part 32759 when the program is running.Mode can be equal to 8, but cannot be equal to other numbers such as 1, 2, 3 and 4.I feel very confused. I don't know if anyone has the same problem. I don't know if I have described the probleclearly we.I look forward to your reply.

2021-07-28 04:13:54 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-07-25 01:16:50 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-07-23 18:53:06 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-23 05:07:13 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2021-07-22 18:46:32 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-07-22 18:45:59 -0500 asked a question Some questions about user-defined wind countrol model(induction machine)

Hello everyone

I want to define a module related to wind machine, and have read the POM.I successfully use the psse environment manager to compile a DLL file and add it to the dynamic file,but it doesn't work.I don't know if wind machine index is wrong.Because WPCMND and WQCMND need indexes. I read POM again and found the following questions.

  1. I use SUBROUTINE(MC,ISLOT) to define the wind countrol module in the same way that I define the synchronous generators.But the wind machine is an induction machine, and it is vaguely mentioned in POM to use SUBROUTINE(IMC,ISLOT) to define induction machine.I don't clearly know which one to use.

  2. IB=NUMTRM(MC) IF IB.GT.0 RETURN needs to be used in generator model definition. If the machine is off-line, or the generator model at the machine is either a static VAR system, an induction machine, or a static condenser CSTATT, (none of which allow excitation systems), the model does no further calculations. Is this sentence necessary when defining induction machine(wind machine).If this sentence is added, in the definition of induction machine, whether it will cause the DLL file to fail to work and return directly.

  3. This wind auxiliary countrol model needs to seed WPCMND(MC) and WQCMND(MC) to wind generator.I want to know how to transfer those information. Do I just need to define them in mode 3.Because I notice that WAUKEG represents Output of wind auxiliary control.I don't know if this will conflict.

I would appreciate your help.Thanks a lot.

2021-07-21 21:47:01 -0500 commented question WAUX: Wind Auxiliary Control User Defined Model

Thanks. @sofiguer

2021-07-21 21:46:14 -0500 commented answer user-defined a model to calculate rocof

Thanks a lot!@perolofl

2021-07-21 21:45:14 -0500 commented answer user-defined a model to calculate rocof

I know that machine index can be acquired through SUBROUTINE(MC,ISLOT), but I don't know how to get wind machine index.