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some questions about power flow adjustment

asked 2022-03-22 09:14:34 -0600

greatly gravatar image

updated 2022-03-22 09:15:18 -0600

Hello everyone

I want to carry out some experiments of power flow adjustment in PSS/E. 1)When I set the system power imbalance, the power flow solver can always make the system converge. However, in some cases, the power of the balancing machine will exceed the limit. I know that if the power of the balancing machine does not exceed the limit, the power flow of the system will not converge. However, I need this sick power flow scenario, because I hope to change this situation by switching capacitors /reactors. How can I avoid the balancing machine power out of limit by setting PSS/E. 2)Since I have not used capacitors/reactors in PSS/E before, I do not know the meaning of some of these parameters. For example, I don't know how to choose the control model and adjustment method. I don't know the meaning of binit, BLK Steps and BLK Bstep (Mvar).

I really need your help. Any idea or suggestion is OK. I would be very grateful, and I look forward to sharing these issues with you.

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What do you mean with balancing machine? Swing bus?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl ( 2022-03-23 09:08:15 -0600 )edit

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answered 2022-03-23 09:07:35 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

Read about switched shunts in the manual! If you still don't understand how to use them, then you can use fixed shunts instead. They are straight forward to implement.

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Thank you very much. It is very useful.

greatly gravatar imagegreatly ( 2022-03-23 10:12:19 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-03-22 09:14:34 -0600

Seen: 595 times

Last updated: Mar 23 '22