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user-defined a model to calculate rocof

asked Jul 14 '1

greatly gravatar image

Hello everyone! I want to define a model to calculate the rate of frequency or rocof, but I don't know how to realize the frequency deviation at this moment minus the frequency deviation at the previous moment.When I define the model, psse can get the frequency deviation at this time through speed (I), but I don't know how to get the deviation at the last time.Similarly, I don't know how to introduce the concept of time into the model. Can someone help me solve the problem? Thanks a lot

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answered Jul 15 '1

perolofl gravatar image

Use a VAR to store the generator speed for the previous time step.

The simulation time at each time step is found in variabel TIME.

Also, remember that the model is called twice at the same time step when a pause is made in the simulation. Read Model Writing in POM.



Thanks a lot! I'll try it.

greatly gravatar imagegreatly (Jul 16 '1)

Excuse me,I want to define a wind auxiliary model,but I don't know how to pass WPCMND and WQCMND to wind generator.I'v read POM,but it's not clear.It doesn't explain how to use it.I also don't understand the difference between wind machine index and machine index.

greatly gravatar imagegreatly (Jul 22 '1)

I know that machine index can be acquired through SUBROUTINE(MC,ISLOT), but I don't know how to get wind machine index.

greatly gravatar imagegreatly (Jul 22 '1)

Thanks a lot!@perolofl

greatly gravatar imagegreatly (Jul 22 '1)

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Asked: Jul 14 '1

Seen: 376 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '21