Critical Clearing time calculation
For computing, critical clearing time for generating station in a grid network. I am applying bolted fault at generator bus in an iterative manner until the angle of the generator fails to reach its pre-fault value i.e. loses synchronism. The generator speed also reflects the same in the simulation. Any other factor to be considered for evaluation ? How does critical clearing angle comes into picture in this process ? It was also observed that even if generation in the nearest generators is varied in load flow. The ciritical clearing time still remains the same , Any observations in this regard ? Thanks in advance
Your question is not a PSS/E specific question, and you can find answers in any good textbook that covers power system dynamic stability, such as Kundur's "Power System Stability and Control".
The query is , whether the above methology is correct to find critical clearing time in PSSE. How the critical clearing time is computed in PSSE ?