unbalanced fault simulation in psse33
Hi folks, when I do unbalanced fault simulation such as 1 phase fault and so on in PSSE ,It was failed to add fault,who can help me how to do it,thank you
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Hi folks, when I do unbalanced fault simulation such as 1 phase fault and so on in PSSE ,It was failed to add fault,who can help me how to do it,thank you
If you do not have any information on the sequence impedance, it would be impossible to determine.
If you do have the Thevenin sequence impedance at the particular bus you are applying a fault (and let's say not for anywhere else in the network), you can emulate a bolted single-phase fault by setting the impedance value to the sum of the negative and zero sequence components of the Thevenin impedance, and apply a three-phase fault.
Asked: Dec 23 '19
Seen: 592 times
Last updated: Jan 24 '20
Applying a SLG fault with delayed clearing
Equivalent two-phase to ground fault admittances at Transmission nodes
IEEE system bus data with sequence data for unbalanced fault
Application of Unbalanced Faults in Positive Sequence Dynamic Simulation
bus-3001 to bus-3003 unbalanced fault in official file 'savnw' cannot be added successfully.
Make sure you have sequence data.
Your are right ! Because i a beginner so there not have the sequence data