CLOD model in PSS/E
Hello, I need default parameters of large motor and small motor in the CLOD model. Could you guide me? Thanks.
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Hello, I need default parameters of large motor and small motor in the CLOD model. Could you guide me? Thanks.
The modelling of large and small motors in CLOD model is described in Program Application Guide, Volume II, Chapter 21.2.3 (rev 33).
Asked: 2017-11-09 01:25:08 -0600
Seen: 899 times
Last updated: Nov 10 '17
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There are no default parameters, but I assume you mean typical parameters. It depends greatly on what system you are modelling, e.g. the amount of AC load or industrial load.
The internal parameters of large motor and small motor aren't adjustable in the CLOD model so this model should have default parameters.
I thought you meant the percentage of small and large motors. See my answer regarding the motor parameters.
Thanks a lot.