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Print individual contingencies to sliders

asked Apr 20 '17

psse_sam gravatar image

I am trying to print individual contingencies in an accc. Right now the only ways I can think of doing this is either by creating a pseudo accc that prints a system slider after each contingency solution or by somehow interrupting the accc solution at each contingency to print a slider.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?

2 answers

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answered May 29 '17

oppossumX gravatar image

updated May 29 '17

Interesting, I like the powerpoint idea. I often need to generate SLDs showing results of overload violations under different contingencies for reports. When there are a lot of overloads it can be very tedious to manually generate an SLD for each one. So I made a python script to do it :)

I use a python script ran from inside the GUI with a SLD and case already open. The code reads and parses the ".con" file used in ACCC. Using the contingency definitions in the ".con" file it applies the contingency to the case, solves, refreshes the open SLD, saves a pdf of it, then reload the original case and repeat for the next contingency. I use sliderpy to add a title to each SLD with the respective contingency name read from the ".con" file before saving the SLD pdf.

Prior to running the code, I make sure the SLD is setup with any diagram annotation or contouring settings I desire in my output files.

Couple issues: user needs to ensure solution settings used in ACCC and SLD automation are same. extra coding is needed to handle dispatch mode, induction machine stalls, and load throwover if required you may want to read the mon and sub files as well if their content is important to your SLD creation


answered Apr 28 '17

nwilson gravatar image

updated May 25 '17

I don't think you can write a python script to print ACCC results on a slider for multiple contingencies. If you're looking to create a slider-like graphical report for different contingencies, you could write a python script that populates PowerPoint slides with labeled objects (lines that represent buses, branches) that are customized for each contingency. Here's something to get you going:

import win32com.client as win32

from time import sleep

msoRoundRectangle = 5   #5 is a rounded rectangle.

def main():

RANGE = range(3, 8)

def RGBtoInt(R,G,B):
    result = R*(256**2) + G*256 + B
    return result

def ppoint():
    app = 'PowerPoint'
    ppoint = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app)
    pres = ppoint.Presentations.Add()
    ppoint.Visible = True

    s1 = pres.Slides.Add(1, win32.constants.ppLayoutText)
    s1a = s1.Shapes[0].TextFrame.TextRange
    s1a.Text = 'Python-to-%s Demo' % app
    s1b = s1.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange
    #connect "buses"
    myline = s1.Shapes.AddLine(925,35,475,515).Line
    #change line properties with LineFormat object:
    myline.ForeColor.RGB = RGBtoInt(50,0,128)   #violet line color
    #pres.Save()     #saves to default location (My Documents).
    pres.SaveAs("C:\\temp\\test")     #

if __name__ == '__main__':


can you share with us this python script ?

yaya gravatar imageyaya (May 3 '17)

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Asked: Apr 20 '17

Seen: 1,096 times

Last updated: May 28 '17