How to assign .dll model in .dyr file or within user-interface?
This is not a python question, but I figured someone here might help. The .dll file mentioned in the question regards a governor model for a generator. In the operating manual, I stumbled upon that user-written models for different network elements need to be defined with their own codes in .dyr file. However, i wasn't able to assign the the .dll governor model in the dynamics file. Is there a way of assigning it within the user-interface after loading the model library?
Thanks for the help.
Edit: With the line shared in the answers it should be possible to assign the DLL, given that the number of CONs ICONs STATEs VARs and the name of the model is known. In my case, the model name is unknown. Would there be a way of acquiring this information from the loaded DLL in PSS/E?