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How to get system base inertia

asked 2023-12-08 04:53:05 -0600

Zhnoob gravatar image

Hi, I am using the IEEE 9 bus system "IEEE9jconto20230920" provide by "jconto" in this post "Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus".

I am aiming to get the system total inertia provide from all the generators in the system after some dynamic simulation (in pu, system base).

From document "PAGV2" I know that the inertia(H) enter in the .dry file is in pu, machine MVA base.

The inertia value in the model like GENROU is in pu, machine MVA base, in order to get the system base inertia in pu, the machine based(MVA base) which is entered in each generator and system based MVA is needed, but where could I found the system based MVA, when creating a new case we need to enter it, but after that, where can I find this value. Or is there any better option to consider?

Any suggestion will be much appreciate!

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answered 2023-12-14 21:51:47 -0600

V THIAGARAJAN gravatar image

When ever you start a new sav case file we have 0,100 meaning a new filen100 mva base. And when you add changes you begin with 1..

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answered 2023-12-08 06:01:21 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

The system base is reported in report List Data - Powerflow - Case summary.

Or API psspy.sysmva().

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Asked: 2023-12-08 04:53:05 -0600

Seen: 577 times

Last updated: Dec 14 '23