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2022-08-23 13:17:35 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2019-07-31 04:04:16 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-07-02 06:00:56 -0500 commented answer Error and suspect during initialization

And this generator has a Min exciter model 'DC2UEL', and there is no VARs value after initialization. Can you please explain a little bit about what does those numbers after 'STATEs = ' in the original script mean? where can i find those values in my initialized model?

2019-07-02 05:56:03 -0500 commented answer Error and suspect during initialization

Hi perolofl, I followed patrickrossiter and your thoughts, and found one generator with terminal voltage being 0.9861pu. After initialization, the one VARS of the generator exciter model is 3.788 exactly. Still do not understand why this is a problem. And why I found this value in VARs list?

2019-07-02 05:52:01 -0500 answered a question Error and suspect during initialization

Hi patrickrossiter, I do have initialization suspect. Here I only paste part of the message related to switched shunt. As you suggested, I looked up generator with terminal voltage being 0.9861pu and found two. But neither of their P/Q is beyond limits, however, one generator has Pgen=Pmax=Pmin=0.

     I   DSTATE(I)    STATE(I)     MODEL             STATE     BUS# X-- NAME --X BASKV  ID
   203   0.22517       1.0232      GENSAL             K       20691 2GPS_G1     11.500  1
   208   0.20950       1.0042      GENSAL             K       20692 2GPS_G2     11.500  2
   213   0.46492E-02 -0.14608      CSVCQA             K       20750 2SYW_S1     330.00  1
  4564   0.12042E-03  0.62448E-02  UN6UEL             K+1     20023 2EPS_G3     23.000  3
  4918   0.38564E-01   3.0661      UN6EXC             K+7     20021 2EPS_G1     23.000  1
  4930   0.12042E-03  0.62448E-02  UN6EXC             K+1     20023 2EPS_G3     23.000  3
  5339   0.10780E-03  0.14448E-02  ZMSSE2             K+3     30331 3MUR_G11    17.000  11
  5353   0.12899E-03  0.14302E-02  ZMSSE2             K+3     30332 3MUR_G12    17.000  12
  5367   0.11199E-03  0.14251E-02  ZMSSE2             K+3     30333 3MUR_G13    17.000  13
  5381   0.91735E-04  0.14428E-02  ZMSSE2             K+3     30334 3MUR_G14    17.000  14

2019-07-01 12:27:25 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-06-30 01:44:35 -0500 commented answer Error and suspect during initialization

Hi perolofl, what does LUT shorts for? How do you know it has something to do with PSS? I have absolutely no idea what should I look for?

2019-06-30 01:39:14 -0500 commented question Error and suspect during initialization

Yes, the generator output is very close to zero, but not the reactive power output (around 2MVAR from 42.5MVA base machine). What do you reckon the problem is?

2019-06-28 12:28:30 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-06-28 02:11:12 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-06-27 06:04:10 -0500 asked a question Error and suspect during initialization

Anyone knows what does the following initialization error message means and how to fix it? And why sometimes after a few iterations or further down the dynamic simulation steps, the initialization would disappear?

*****ZPSS2A AT BUS:20691 MACH 1  :
 Machine in Synch Comp mode - KS1 set to zero 

*****ZPSS2A AT BUS:20692 MACH 2  :
 Machine in Synch Comp mode - KS1 set to zero 

*****WSTAB4 AT BUS:44281 MACH 1  :
 Machine in Synch Comp mode - Kx set to zero 

 ERROR: PELEC outside LUT range
 MODE = 1
 VREF(I) = 0.9861
 STATEs =    0.986   0.986   1.039   3.842   3.842   1.614   3.788   3.788
2019-06-21 11:24:27 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-06-21 11:24:27 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-06-19 02:10:17 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-06-18 16:36:23 -0500 commented answer PSSE table driven dynamics

How do you know this non-compulsory thing? Also for the concept of the table driven dynamics, which section of the manual should I be looking at? New to PSSE, and the manual has multiple sections in different PDFs, not quite convenient. Thanks perolofl!

2019-06-18 06:08:51 -0500 asked a question PSSE table driven dynamics

What does this terminology mean? Is it the way PSSE to represent the dynamics of the equipment with a series of model name tabulated in the 'machine' page or 'wind machine' page after loading the converted case with snapshot? Sorry, not enough points to upload figure.

And what does the following error message mean? Does this have anything to do with the table above? "NO ACTIVE TABLE MODEL CALL FOR SWITCHED SHUNT AT BUS 99999 [abcde 11.000]"


2019-06-18 05:29:56 -0500 commented answer Explanation about CONEC and CONET subroutines

You've also addressed my question, excellent answer, thanks a lot!

2019-06-18 05:17:42 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-06-16 01:23:34 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-06-15 17:09:31 -0500 commented answer How to save and continue a switching event in dynamic simulation?

thanks for that perolofl!

2019-06-14 19:38:08 -0500 commented answer How to save and continue a switching event in dynamic simulation?

So you mean, after reloading the case, even I cannot find the fault in the list, but there is a shunt at the faulted bus, I only have to remove this shunt whenever I want to clear the fault, is that right?

2019-06-14 15:24:42 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-06-14 15:20:09 -0500 answered a question How to save and continue a switching event in dynamic simulation?

Thanks perolofl!

Does that mean after reloading the case and snapshot, I have to reapply a fault at the interested bus? The result will be the same as if this fault hasn't been removed by PSSE, will it?

For instance, if I apply a fault at t=1 sec, and run to t=1.1 sec and trip off one line and saved the case and snapshot. Then, I reload these two files and reapply the fault at the exact same location, and continue my simulation. I suppose I will get the same result compared with continuously running the case, is that correct?


2019-06-14 15:11:42 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-06-13 05:42:18 -0500 asked a question How to save and continue a switching event in dynamic simulation?

Hi guys,

Newbie here. Got a question for you. I am wondering can I save a dynamic simulation progress in the middle of switching event, for instance, a fault on a bus, by saving the network case and snapshot, and later continue to run this simulation, say clear the fault in the continuation of the simulation?

I noticed that if I do so, after I reload the network case and snapshot, my fault is no longer in the list to be cleared. Does that mean dynamic simulation cannot be saved in the middle of switching event?

Thanks in advance!
