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PSSE table driven dynamics

asked Jun 18 '19

TonyWong gravatar image

What does this terminology mean? Is it the way PSSE to represent the dynamics of the equipment with a series of model name tabulated in the 'machine' page or 'wind machine' page after loading the converted case with snapshot? Sorry, not enough points to upload figure.

And what does the following error message mean? Does this have anything to do with the table above? "NO ACTIVE TABLE MODEL CALL FOR SWITCHED SHUNT AT BUS 99999 [abcde 11.000]"


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answered Jun 18 '19

perolofl gravatar image

The error message is just a remark and not an error. It only informs you that there is no dynamic model used for the switched shunt and the BINIT value will be constant during the simulation. The usage of dynamic models for switched shunts is an option and not compulsory.



How do you know this non-compulsory thing? Also for the concept of the table driven dynamics, which section of the manual should I be looking at? New to PSSE, and the manual has multiple sections in different PDFs, not quite convenient. Thanks perolofl!

TonyWong gravatar imageTonyWong (Jun 18 '19)

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Asked: Jun 18 '19

Seen: 987 times

Last updated: Jun 18 '19