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Motor starting dynamics of pump storage

asked Sep 29 '2

lmcqueen gravatar image

Is it possible to simulate the motor starting dynamics when a pump storage is operated in pumping mode? Is there a PSS/E dynamic model that can be used to simulate this phenomenon?

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answered Sep 30 '2

perolofl gravatar image

Motor starting can be simulated in PSSE. See Program Application Guide II, Chapter 21.2.4.



The motor models presented here are for induction machines. I don't think they can be used to simulate pump storage motor starting.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Oct 13 '2)

Yes, you are right. Here we are talking about a synchronous motor, i.e. a generator with negative generation. One way to simulate is to have a generator with Pgen=0 in load flow and to start ramping the generator with negative Pmech during the simulation. Note, the generator must be on-line in LF.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 13 '2)

Thank you. You mentioned negative Pmech. So this means a governor model should also be present? I tried this approach (Pgen = 0, generator online in load flow) and changed the Pgen to a certain negative value during dynamic simulation. I guess there was an error when I did that method.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Oct 13 '2)

Pgen is not used in dynamics. Use a governor model to change Pmech to negative values during simulation. Change Gref to negative value.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 13 '2)

Thank you. What governor model can be used where the change of Gref is allowed? I am using WPIDHY but it does not have a Gref parameter.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Oct 15 '2)

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Asked: Sep 29 '2

Seen: 1,063 times

Last updated: Sep 30 '22