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How to read old .raw version and still converge?

asked 2021-11-23 09:51:36 -0600

Willy gravatar image

I am loading a v30.0 .raw file into v34.0 through the API using readrawversion().

The window outputs the details of each step of the conversion from v30.0 to v34.0. After reaching v34.0 I receive errors pertaining to the items listed below. The model then fails to converge by a significant margin. Questions are:

  1. Is it possible to avoid the conversion altogether? This would be ideal.

  2. During the conversion, I believe it causes a change to default voltage values (I caught this reading a separate forum post). Is it possible to avoid this reset?

Error items below.

A number of generators: Error: Invalid ZSORCE reactance: .00000; set to 1.00000 (002230)

A number of non-xfr branches: Warn: Non-transformer branch connects buses with different base voltages (000490)

A number of xfrs (with different voltage tap settings): Error: Winding one tap setting is not on a step: .963250; set to .963503 (004680)

A number of interchanges: Error: Area interchange tolerance (.00000) is not positive; set to 10.0000 (000340)

A number of Owners: Info: No equipment is assigned to owner 2 (002900)

A number of switched shunts: Warn: Block 1 has no steps (004226) OR Error: Invalid number of steps in block 1: 65; set to 9 (004222)

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answered 2021-12-06 03:47:28 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

1: No, the raw data must be converted to rev 34.

2: No, the conversion should not change the bus voltages.

The items you are mentioning are small issues and should not cause convergence problem, but check the BINIT for the switched shunts with issues.

Was the raw file in rev 30 format solved? If so, check in report "List Data - Powerflow - Case summary" if there are buses with mismatch after reading the raw file and before solving.

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Asked: 2021-11-23 09:51:36 -0600

Seen: 511 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '21