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How can I get Ipcmd and Iqcmd in REEC model.

asked Sep 28 '1

penny870718 gravatar image

Hello everyone: I want to check the current limit logic in REEC model, so I want to check the Ipcmd and Iqcmd at the output of the REEC model, can someone tell me how to do it?

Sincerely, thanks.

2 answers

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answered May 2 '2

CamelCamelCamel gravatar image

updated May 2 '2

My 2 cents:

  • Open your case and dynamics in PSS/E
  • Dynamics (tab at top) -> List -> Model Storage Locations
  • Wind Machines -> Selected subsystem -> OK. This output will tell you where the storage locations are.
  • Now, from the Models.pdf, you can get the offsets of each channel from the base positions. A command to monitor that channel might look something like this:
  • BAT_STATE_CHANNEL, -1, 123456, 'Iq_MyGenerator'

answered Sep 30 '1

Jorge gravatar image

Hi, You want to record VARs L+2 for the real current command (Ipcmd) and L+3 Reactive current command (Iqcmd) in your python script.

I hope that helps!



Oh, I see! Thanks for your advice, it's very useful!

penny870718 gravatar imagepenny870718 (Oct 1 '1)

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Asked: Sep 28 '1

Seen: 797 times

Last updated: May 02 '22