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For the CLOD model, what is the reference size for the Large and Small Motors?

asked Jun 21 '19

MRS2016 gravatar image

One document refers to the the large motors as industrial motors, and the small motors are the air conditioning motors. While another document refers to the large and small motors (fraction-horsepower motor) by their frame size. What is the correct answer?

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answered Jun 24 '19

jconto gravatar image

From the Application Guide Vol.2,

" CLOD Type Models (CLODBL, CLODOW, CLODZN, CLODAR, CLODAL) ...It is intended for use in situations where it is desirable to represent loads at the dynamic level, as distinct from the algebraic characteristic level used in power flow, but where detailed dynamics data is not available...."

The 'internal' motors modeled by CLOD have H=1 and H=0.6 for large and small motors. I would define "large motors" as industrial motors, while "small motors" be the rest.

Keep in mind that a modern model is the composite load model CMLDxx.



But is there a more numerical reference size, such as the torque produced by the motors, etc.?

MRS2016 gravatar imageMRS2016 (Jun 24 '19)

MRS2016: Have you checked Figure 21-1 and 21-2 in the manual?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 24 '19)

Yes perolofl, I have, and while they do state the characteristics of the motors. They do not state the minimum or maximum torque output size. By the way, do you know who I could contact in Siemens about obtaining permission to use images from their manuals in a research paper?

MRS2016 gravatar imageMRS2016 (Jun 26 '19)

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Asked: Jun 21 '19

Seen: 871 times

Last updated: Jun 23 '19