black start in PSS/E
I want do black start of power system ,but i do not find the model in pss/e instructions,who had do it that can teach me or tell me where can find the Operation method? Thank you!
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I want do black start of power system ,but i do not find the model in pss/e instructions,who had do it that can teach me or tell me where can find the Operation method? Thank you!
It is not possible to start a generator unit during a dynamic simulation!!! All generators to be simulated must be in-service in the saved case used in the simulation so they will be initialised at start of simulation.
Synchronisation of a unit can be simulated by keeping an islanded, stand-alone AC-system with the generator bus as a swing bus and the step-up transformer switched off. The unit is then running at nominal speed until synchronisation is done by e.g. closing the step-up transformer at a proper time in the simulation.
Just be sure that the phase angle, frequence and voltage differences are sufficiently small at the instant of synchronisation.
thank you bro,the study is the steady-state analysis that the generator starts continuously to restore power supply in all black system ,no dynamic simulation is involved.
There is no model for black start because it is not a model but a process. A generator machine is started at minimum loading, then let it pick up more load (or a small network). Do the same for a second machine. Now joint both networks making sure that after closing the switch (synchronization!), all machines remain stable.
Sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear,I want to know How to do black start simulation in the PSS/E 33, such as how to set the start sequence of the unit during the process etc. Thank you !
Asked: Apr 2 '19
Seen: 1,000 times
Last updated: Apr 03 '19