Shunt Modelling Inside PSSE
Hey guys,
Propbably a total lack of looking.
But if someone could point me into the direction of the way shunts a modelled inside PSSE so that I can create an equivalent in my case specifically inside PSCAD.
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Hey guys,
Propbably a total lack of looking.
But if someone could point me into the direction of the way shunts a modelled inside PSSE so that I can create an equivalent in my case specifically inside PSCAD.
Read the manual!
Rev 33: Program Operation Manual, Chapter 5.2.1 Fixed Bus Shunt Data.
Rev 34: Data Formats Reference Manual, Chapter 1.9 Fixed Bus Shunt Data.
Asked: 2018-08-28 20:16:09 -0600
Seen: 992 times
Last updated: Aug 29 '18
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