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open .out file causes PSSE GUI crashing

asked Jul 13 '18

AlexYang gravatar image

updated Jul 13 '18

I performed dynamic simulation on IEEE 39 bus test system and applied unbalanced branch fault. When doing the simulation with sav file and dyr file, output bar prompt non-convergence, some information as follows:

*** Circuit "1" from 4 [LOAD4       345.00] to 14 [BUS14       345.00] ***
             Charging set to    0.0000
            Impedance set to ( 0.18656,  1.5048)
  From bus line shunt set to (  47.079, -765.61)
    To bus line shunt set to (  5.2309, -85.006)

 Channel output file is "D:\IEEE39_dyr_test\IEEE39_jconto_file\test1.out"

 39 diagonal and 67 off-diagonal elements

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0083

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0167

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.025

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0333

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0417

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.05

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0583

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.0667

 Network not converged at TIME = 1.075

but at this time, the out file can be opened (Angle curve has not spread, but leveled off after fluctuations, it seems everything is normal).

I tried to modify the parameters of dyr file according to the PDF file that someone sent me. The pdf file contains generator model, excitation model and governor model parameters, but governor model are BPAGG, which does not exist in PSSE. So I only changed generator and the excitation system parameters .

By doing the dynamic simulation with modified dyr file in the same way, the new out file will cause the PSSE GUI to crash, so I used dyntools in python3.4 environment to read the out file, and got an error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:/IEEE39_dyr_test/IEEE39_test_file/", line 21, in <module>
    outfile = dyntools.CHNF('./Sample_outfile/tt001.out')
  File ".\", line 1027, in __init__
  File ".\", line 789, in _scale
  File ".\", line 662, in _power10th
  File ".\", line 640, in _nint
OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer

Obviously there is something wrong with the out file, I doubt it is caused by the dyr file. If so, why not prompt the error message in the output bar during the simulation?

2 answers

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answered Jul 13 '18

jconto gravatar image

updated Jul 17 '18

"Network not converged" messages typically appear during 'on-fault' simulation periods. After the fault clears,the network should converged unless a collapse condition is found.

The swapping of models with invalid parameters (untuned) led to NAN results in your second run. A first step in 'tuning' model parameters is to review the log file for the run, the "initial condition suspect" table. PSSe will list models that require attention. Also, open PSSe and run "", with everything commented after reading the dyr data and check in the dynamic section those models in yellow. Double-click a model in yellow to see its suspect parameters in yellow. Open PSSe documents, Program Application Guide, Vol2, Chap 26 "Data Verification, 26.5 Parameter Ranges for Activity DOCU and then per each model 'in yellow' check that its parameter in yellow fall in the recommended range. Once there are no models in yellow, chances are that a run will behave much better than before.

Model tuning might require optimizing model parameters for a specific dynamic response, like frequency response from governor models in a power unbalance condition or PSS tuning due to power oscillation. Third party tools required....

BTW, add the following code before calling STRT_2,

# lower the acceleration factor (0.8) or the step size (0.004) for non-convergence scenarios outside a fault
                                [0.8,_f,0.004, 0.016,_f,_f,0.8,_f])
psspy.set_relang(1,38,r"""1""")       #to help with plotting of angles

Lastly, check the forum on "Model Tuning" for related information.


answered Jul 14 '18

AlexYang gravatar image


Thanks for your answering. My IEEE 39 file was downloaded from your Google drive.To do dynamic simulation, I added the 0 sequence data in the sav file, but when doing simulation in the python environment the whole simulation process will prompt "Network not converged".The script is as follows:

# open .sav file"""D:\IEEE39_dyr_test\IEEE39_jconto_file_fixed\IEEE39_v33_change.sav""")
psspy.conl(0,1,1,[0,0],[ 100.0,0.0,0.0, 100.0])
psspy.conl(0,1,2,[0,0],[ 100.0,0.0,0.0, 100.0])
psspy.conl(0,1,3,[0,0],[ 100.0,0.0,0.0, 100.0])

# open .dyr file for dynamic simulation
# 1 for original dyr file
# 2 for modified dyr file 
dyr_flag = 1
if dyr_flag == 1:
elif dyr_flag == 2:

# set output channells
psspy.chsb(0,1,[-1,-1,-1,1,1,0])    # ANGLE
psspy.chsb(0,1,[-1,-1,-1,1,13,0])   # VOLT

# create .out file
psspy.strt_2([0,1],r"""D:\IEEE39_dyr_test\IEEE39_jconto_file_fixed\test1.out"""), 1.0,0,1,1)    # run to 1.0 seconds after initiate  

# apply unbalanced-branch-fault between bus1 and bus2
psspy.dist_spcb_fault_2(1,2,r"""1""",[3,0,3,1,0,0,1],[ 0.425,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]), 1.05,0,1,1)   # run to 1.05 seconds after applying fault  

# clear fault
psspy.dist_clear_fault(1), 10.0,0,1,1)  # run to 10 seconds after clearing fault


this is my sav&dyr file (, please check which parameters are invalid, and could you give me some suggestions about dyr file "parameter tuning"?

AlexYang gravatar imageAlexYang (Jul 14 '18)

Check my updated answer.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jul 17 '18)

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Asked: Jul 13 '18

Seen: 1,583 times

Last updated: Jul 16 '18