how to convert sld ver.33 to ver.32
I drew some sld's in PSSE ver.33 Now I want to open them in ver.32 but I can't. I don't find anything like "open earlier versions" or any converter. Can you help me?
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I drew some sld's in PSSE ver.33 Now I want to open them in ver.32 but I can't. I don't find anything like "open earlier versions" or any converter. Can you help me?
It is not possible to open a Slider diagram that is saved in a newer format.
You can maybe recreate the diagram by saving a Bus location file... in ver 33 and use the file in ver 32.
Thank you very much. It is helpful enough if it won't need exact bus location.
I exported bus location. Then on a new diagram I opened the loc file, but nothing happened, no diagram. I checked the documentation. I figured out I should start by autodraw again, but this time the busses and branches locate as on the loc file. Am I right? There is no way to open the whole diagram?
Asked: Jun 25 '17
Seen: 1,631 times
Last updated: Jun 27 '17
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