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How to choose the transfer dispatch method for pv analysis?

asked Dec 29 '16

eve gravatar image

updated Dec 29 '16

Hi all,

I'm just starting learning PSS/E. I'd like to have your suggestions for doing PV-analysis. Although I've viewed all the relevant posts in this forum I still have problems.

For drawing a pv-curve by hand, I can do it in this way; selecting the interested load bus then increasing/decreasing the Pload at the bus by keeping a constant power factor.

I don't know how to select the "transfer dispatch methods" in PSS/E since I don't need to select this when I do the pv analysis by hand. I don't know what are the differences between those transfer dispatch methods.

Thank you

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answered Dec 30 '16

jconto gravatar image

Check my posting in "Can anybody help me with PV analysis in PSSE please?" Study the files and scripts to follows its process.

The PSSe PV engine uses a transfer file to define groups of generators and loads to establish a (incremental) power transfer path. For example, you can have generators in area 1 and loads in area 2 or all generators in base case sending power to all loads in area2. My example PV data set also contains a script to export PV results to Excel, for easy plotting. Also,search the net for PV analysis tutorials.



Hi Jconto, I checked the post and I've learned how to do the pv analysis. But I just don't understand how to select the transfer dispatch methods. I used the defaulted one but I don't know why I used it.

eve gravatar imageeve (Jan 3 '17)

Check the posting "PSS/E subsystem." and the manual POM section 6.1. SUB files are used to create DFX files, which are used in PV analysis to select the source and sink regions.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jan 8 '17)

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Asked: Dec 29 '16

Seen: 863 times

Last updated: Dec 30 '16