I am unable to open any cases saved in version 34 with PSSE version 33. Is there a way to save files for compatibility?
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I am unable to open any cases saved in version 34 with PSSE version 33. Is there a way to save files for compatibility?
Whilst PSSE doesn't seem to have a way to make backwards-compatible sav files, backwards compatible raw files can still be made. This can be done through the API as mentioned, or, to do this in python the writerawversion function will get you there. For example, when using PSSE 35, to save your case as a PSSE 34 compatible raw file you could use the following command.
psspy.writerawversion(vernum = '34', out = 0, ofile = 'Filename.raw')
If you own a PSSE v34:
open the case using PSSE v34
Go to File->Save Case As-> Power Flow Raw Data, Previous Versions
Select PSSE(R)E - 33 and click OK to save the RAW file
Open the RAW file in PSSE v33 and save it as SAV
If you do not own a PSSE v34:
You need to ask the person who supplied the sav file to send a v33 sav file, or v33 raw file (using the above steps)
also say the person with v35 to export seq (sequence file) also along with v33 raw file as same will be needed for phase to ground fault calculations. For 3 phase fault calculations, seq file will not be required.
If you have a pssse 34 click on "save case" then locate tab "save previous vesion sav" once there choose a version that you wan
Asked: Oct 27 '15
Seen: 4,169 times
Last updated: Nov 12 '24
Thanks for your reply Gustavo. Can you please be more specific? I know that previous versions can be selected when saving *.raw files but there is no tab like that when saving *.sav files.
I have this issue also with PSSE V35 and want to save as PSSE V34, but have no options available