how to distinguish ISORCE from ITERM in PSS/E

asked 2015-10-11 06:15:32 -0600

zju_gan gravatar image

hi ,i am learning pss/e now.When i make program in fortran ,i meet the arithmetical expression like Ve=kpVt+j(ki+kpXL)It,and Vt,It are complex number.It is the terminal current of generator and Vt is the terminal voltage of can i get the It? below are the program

    VTRM=ZSORCE(I)*ISORCE(I)*SBASE/MBASE  !get the Vt?,Isorce is the injection current of generator
   S_MPLX=CMPLX(PELM,QELM)           !s=p+jQ
   S_MPLXGE=CONJG(S_MPLX)            ! s*=p-jQ take the conjugate
   VTRMGE=CONJG(VTRM)                      !take the conjugate
   ITRM=S_MPLXGE/(1.732*VTRMGE)      !get the It
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Hi, Where you able to solve this issue? I have the same problem

anjumrm gravatar imageanjumrm ( 2018-05-16 04:32:54 -0600 )edit