Frequency response
How in the dynamics set the plot to see frequency response due to a disturbance, that starts from 50 Hz and not from 0 Hz?
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How in the dynamics set the plot to see frequency response due to a disturbance, that starts from 50 Hz and not from 0 Hz?
The frequency channel records data in terms of "frequency deviations" relative to the frequency base. To display a frequency channel in Hz, a function is applied to that channel to scale it back. Typical plot commands are:
50*(1+A) <- function, where var A represents a channel
31 <-channel #
49.0 51.0
and where do I write plot commands?
A text file with plotting commands, to be loaded in PSSPLT. Check the PSSe PSSPLT manual for more information.
Asked: Dec 17 '14
Seen: 2,211 times
Last updated: Dec 17 '14
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