what is the difference between the connection code CC=2 and CC=17 for a three winding transformer?

asked Nov 28 '14

adnene gravatar image

updated Dec 10 '14

Hello! I'm using PSS/E 33.3 and i want to modelise a three winding transformer (auto-transformateur) with a vector group (Yna0d5). I thought that the connection code equivalent in a short circuit is 17(1-1-3) but when i enter the code CC=17 the PSS/E crash so i need your help to know what the difference between connection code "CC= 2) and "CC=17" for a three winding transformer (autotransformer).


I also want to have an insight about three winding transformer parameters.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Dec 2 '14)

Can you give us the transformer data? Perhaps I could plug it into my system and see why PSSE crashes.

amaity gravatar imageamaity (Dec 8 '14)

the parameters of the transformer with three windings: it is an auto-transformer with power 200 MVA (225 / 90kV) with a vector group (Yna0d5), the primary and secondary of the transformer are connected to the same center point to the ground with a Y coupling the teriaire winding a delta coupling.

adnene gravatar imageadnene (Dec 10 '14)

impedances with respect to the basic power of the transformer (200MVA) between the primary-secondary windings = 12% (S = 200MVA) between the primary windings-teriaire = 30% (S = 67 MVA) between the secondary windings -teriaire = 13.5 (S = 67 MVA)

adnene gravatar imageadnene (Dec 10 '14)