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IEC short circuit analysis in PSS/E

asked 2014-02-18 07:08:18 -0600

Thomas Ebdrup gravatar image

Hi everbody

I am trynig to make short circuit analysis using the IEC method I am using PSS/E V. 33. My model only containes positive seq. impedanceses so only three phased faults is analyzed. I find it hard to finde any good information about how to set up an fault analysis in PSS/E in the PSS/E documentation.

  1. Is it necessary to set up classical fault analysis conditions first? or can I directly run the IEC fault analysis?
  2. In what situations should Calculating Automatic Sequencing Fault (Activity ASCC) be used? and what dos ASCC do compared with the IEC method?

  3. In both the above mentioneds in PSS/E, there is the possibility to choose different options for: Line charging, shunt and load. When changing these parameters what are you actually specifying?

  4. Dos anyone have a standart procedure for short circuit analysis in PSS/E that they are willing to share ??

Hope someone can helpe

Best regards Thomas

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1 answer

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answered 2014-02-18 09:32:33 -0600

jconto gravatar image

updated 2016-12-22 20:05:37 -0600

Q1: you can directly run IEC fault analysis.

Q2, Q3 -> Check the PSSe documentation: Applications manual, API...

Q4: I have attached a python code (modified from the one in the EXAMPLES folder at the PSSe installation path. Update the "STUDY" var for IECS or ASCC runs (last block of code) as needed. Download and rename 'gif' to 'py'


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Hi Jconto! Could you upload the file again? It's out of date. Thank you very much!

eve gravatar imageeve ( 2016-12-21 23:20:49 -0600 )edit

Update!. right click and then select "save link as.."

jconto gravatar imagejconto ( 2016-12-22 20:16:31 -0600 )edit

But if I don't have seq data, is there any way to generate the data?

Cynthia Hsu gravatar imageCynthia Hsu ( 2017-02-21 00:32:06 -0600 )edit

Sequence data, in particular negative and zero sequence data, are network topology dependent. You can "copy and paste" data from other network but results would not be meaningful. Books on power flow and short-circuit analysis usually cover how to develop these data sets.

jconto gravatar imagejconto ( 2017-03-07 21:18:43 -0600 )edit

Hi Jconto I tried running the SC script and get ImportError: No module named ascc. I checked the PSSE33\PSSBIN directory but couldn't see any ascc related stuff maybe my install is missing something?

tree1 gravatar imagetree1 ( 2017-07-05 06:03:20 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-02-18 07:08:18 -0600

Seen: 4,269 times

Last updated: Dec 22 '16