PSS/E Dynamic Simulation - Negative accelerating P but frequency not decreasing
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to run a dynamic simulation under low load conditions with two generation units based on the PSSE sample case of SAVNW.SAV in the “EXAMPLE” directory. The contingency involves tripping a generator (the nuclear plant at Bus 101), leaving the whole system supplied by the remaining nuclear plant at Bus 102. The simulation run time is set to over 100 seconds.
From the output results, the total Pmech of all buses is always lower than the total Pelec of all buses, resulting in a negative total Paccl until the end of the simulation. As Paccl is negative all the time, I originally expected that the system frequency will keep decreasing during the simulation due to the generation deficiency in supplying the load. However, the system frequency drops to a certain level and then becomes flat as shown below.
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Any ideas or explanations for why this is happening?
Thank you so much.