How should I use the OWNER field
Buses can be categorised by a ZONE, AREA or OWNER. What is the significance of the OWNER field? How does a financial arrangement such as ownership impact on your power system analysis?
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Buses can be categorised by a ZONE, AREA or OWNER. What is the significance of the OWNER field? How does a financial arrangement such as ownership impact on your power system analysis?
For my company, owner data is very useful for associating metering data with the model. Our transmission owners do not line up with our areas so the areas are broken down into zones of owners in the area and all zones and can be grouped by owner. I'm not saying this is the right way, but it works for us.
Asked: 2012-02-17 18:04:54 -0600
Seen: 588 times
Last updated: Apr 09 '13
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