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Quang Vinh's profile - activity

2023-04-09 22:21:40 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-03-29 14:00:07 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-03-29 14:00:07 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-03-24 02:23:26 -0500 asked a question Hello everyone, I am studying the Virtual Synchronous Machine in a powersystem have renewable energy. I want to similate a renewable energy with Virtual Synchronous Machine. Do you have any example for Virtual Synchronous Machine (.dyr file) ? Thank you!

Virtual Synchronous Machine

2023-03-14 14:12:53 -0500 commented answer Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus

Thank you jconto for your comment!

2023-03-12 12:24:49 -0500 commented answer Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus

Looking forward to your comments.! (

2023-03-12 12:24:31 -0500 commented answer Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus

I think there is a problem in the dynamic model for the 3 generators? Therefore, the system will not be stable if after clearing the short circuit, we continue to run with a large enough time.

2023-03-12 12:23:46 -0500 commented answer Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus

If the short circuit clear time is 100ms, then run for 20s, the system is stable. But if running for 200ms, the system is not stable?

2023-03-12 12:23:13 -0500 commented answer Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus

I have a problem when calculating the critical clearing time (CCT) for IEEE 9 bus. When short circuit at bus 9 and observe G3 generator angle to find CCT.

2023-03-12 11:40:23 -0500 answered a question Dynamic data for IEEE 9 bus


2022-06-25 12:57:39 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2022-06-25 12:56:57 -0500 answered a question Renewable Plant Modeling - Solar PV - Wind

Hello, thank you very much for sharing. I want to ask, in "" is there virtual inertia or not?

2022-06-17 15:51:45 -0500 commented question Solar PV using REGCA models

Thank you for your helpful reply!

2022-06-17 15:28:31 -0500 commented question Solar PV using REGCA models

Shall the 'REPCAU1' details appear in PSSE solar PV tab? After running the Python script or loading the dynamic data file, I have not found it?