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How to get the system frequency? in the following code I get only voltage and frequency error. File ".\", line 49525, in busdat psspy.BusdatError: busdat Error: ierr=2

asked Apr 6 '3

Ibrahim gravatar image

updated Apr 6 '3

jconto gravatar image

Hi everyone, I want to get the system frequency, but in the following code I get only voltage and frequency error.

import os, sys 
# Set environment for psse33.04
PYTHONPATH = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN'
os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + PYTHONPATH
import psspy

# Get the system voltage    
ierr,voltage = psspy.busdat(2,'KV')

# Get the system frequency
ierr,freq = psspy.busdat(2,'FREQ')

File ".\", line 49525, in busdat psspy.BusdatError: busdat Error: ierr=2

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answered Apr 6 '3

perolofl gravatar image

API BUSDAT only returns load flow data. Frequency is not a parameter in load flow studies. Error code 2 means: "Bad value of 'STRING'; 'RVAL' unchanged", i.e. 'FREQ' is not an allowed argument to BUSDAT.

In dynamics, the bus frequency (in pu speed deviation) is seen in a bus frequency channel.



I want to get the system frequency. What command should I use? Thank you!

Ibrahim gravatar imageIbrahim (Apr 6 '3)

Do you mean if the case is in 50 or 60 Hz option?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 6 '3)

In dynamic simulation, I want to get the system frequency after run dynamics 5s. And print frequency.

Ibrahim gravatar imageIbrahim (Apr 6 '3)

There is nothing called "system frequency". You get the speed deviation for individual generator rotors and for buses, using channels.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 6 '3)

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Asked: Apr 6 '3

Seen: 286 times

Last updated: Apr 06 '23