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Question about the NEVA Eigenvalue analysis

asked Jun 24 '13

Ahmed gravatar image

Hello all,

I have a question about the NEVA Eigenvalue analysis. Does the NEVA module provide the system matrices ( A, B, C, D) or it only provides the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors only?

If not, how can I get the ABCD matrices in PSSE?

I really appreciate your responses as it will help me so much.

Thanks and Best regards,


Hello All, I received this answer from the PTI guys Not all of them, only the explicit matrix of A and the sparse matrix of Aa can be exported.

Ahmed gravatar imageAhmed (Jul 23 '13)

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answered Jul 23 '13

Ahmed gravatar image

Not all of them, only the explicit matrix of A and the sparse matrix of Aa can be exported.



But how can we get the sparse matrix from NEVA ?

Tran Huu Phuc gravatar imageTran Huu Phuc (Feb 11 '2)

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Asked: Jun 24 '13

Seen: 1,093 times

Last updated: Jul 23 '13