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create snap file snp

asked 2023-02-19 16:12:03 -0600

sobhanB gravatar image


I am a new user of the PSSE. I have .sav and .dyr files for a sample case but I will appreciate it if someone knows how can I create a .snp file from them.


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3 answers

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answered 2023-02-20 08:54:02 -0600

Alex P gravatar image

I prefer to avoid snap files. With a proper python script, it's easy to rerun the steps required before a dynamics run, and then I know the information is fresh.

.snp files just capture and hide stale information :D

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answered 2023-02-20 03:05:27 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

A good procedure to create a snapshot is:

  1. Open saved case
  2. Open dynamic raw data file (.dyr)
  3. Change dynamic options and solution parameters (if needed)
  4. Add channels
  5. Save snapshot file (.snp)

A good procedure to perform a dynamic simulation is:

  1. Open saved case

  2. Open snapshot

  3. Convert load and generators

  4. Initialise simulation and define the name of the output file

  5. Simulate the disturbance with a combination of commands (RUN, Bus fault, Clear fault, trip line, etc.). A predefined script is recommended for this.

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answered 2023-02-19 18:53:20 -0600

GaryB gravatar image

There should be some documentation in this. 1. Load the sav case. 2. Convert the loads and generators. 4. You can save the converted case. 5. Load the dyr file. 6. Initialize the case. 7. You can now save the .snp file. This saves the initialized snapshot before any simulation has occurred.

This is brief. There are tutorials on YouTube. I would look for a tutorial walking you through using the savenw file provided as an example with PSSE.

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Asked: 2023-02-19 16:12:03 -0600

Seen: 882 times

Last updated: Feb 20 '23