If there are islands, can I get a list of the islanded buses using psspy?
I know about psspy.tree(), but it only returns the number of buses in the swingless island. I want a list of the islanded buses. Is there a way to automate this?
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I know about psspy.tree(), but it only returns the number of buses in the swingless island. I want a list of the islanded buses. Is there a way to automate this?
The easiest is to use API treedat
, which returns a lot of information in a dictionary. The following will return a list with a sublist with bus numbers in every found island.
treeobj = psspy.treedat(999)
islandbuses = treeobj['island_busnum']
For eaxemple, with three islands the list may look like this:
[[101], [102], [201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 211]]
This can be merged into one single list with:
islandbuslist = [j for i in islandbuses for j in i]
Now the list is:
[101, 102, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 211]
Everything in a single line:
islandbuslist = [j for i in psspy.treedat(999)['island_busnum'] for j in i]
Asked: Sep 22 '2
Seen: 846 times
Last updated: Sep 23 '22
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