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PSSE output not always going to directed output file

asked Feb 7 '2

tolemanator gravatar image

I am writing a script to batch build models and I have the solve log info (via progress_output) going to a text file output instead of the python terminal. Sometimes, without a reason I can determine, the output shows up in the terminal but then other times it gets redirected as intended. Any ideas?

2 answers

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answered Feb 11 '2

Anil Kumar gravatar image

Sir, here as far as i understand the issue you may use the following commands depending on the requirement

1) if you want report to send to standard psse gui you may use


2) if you want it to directed to specific file in a drive you may change to

psspy.report_output(2,"file name with complete address",0)

i believe your problem may be solved with this




I think I figured out the problem and it was not initializing the output file before starting to write to it, and sometimes it wouldn't find the file if it wasn't created quickly enough and then would default to the terminal. thanks for your help!

tolemanator gravatar imagetolemanator (Feb 11 '2)

answered Feb 11 '2

bikiran1991 gravatar image

You may need to have unique filenames for the output file. The output gets redirected back to the terminal if it cannot write to the text file specified. This can happen, for example, if multiple processes are trying to access the same file.


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Asked: Feb 7 '2

Seen: 631 times

Last updated: Feb 11 '22