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Hi, am trying to model a battery storage to provide primary frequency response in PSSE using CBEST model but am unable to observe any dynamic changes in its output. Will appreciate if i can get some direction.

asked 2021-08-24 10:45:36 -0600

Terry53906 gravatar image

Hi, am trying to model a battery storage to provide primary frequency response in PSSE using CBEST model but am unable to observe any dynamic changes in its output. Will appreciate if i can get some direction.

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answered 2021-08-28 04:33:56 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

Model CBESTdoesn't have frequency control loop itself. Pout will be kept constant by the model. The power may be changed either manually or automatically by a separate model.

You can change Pout manually during the simulation by updating VAR(L).

For automatic primary frequency control you need to add a model updating VAR(L) of CBEST, as @Yunzhi Cheng wrote.

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answered 2021-08-27 08:44:50 -0600

You need to add another model to attach to CBEST to change Pref.

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Asked: 2021-08-24 10:45:36 -0600

Seen: 539 times

Last updated: Aug 28 '21