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dll not found

asked Mar 30 '1

lmcqueen gravatar image

I got a stability package which comprises of power flow and dynamic models prepared in PSS/E 34.6.1, user-model dll files, conet, conec, and obj files. I tried to run them in PSS/E 34.1.1 but the dll files are not found once they are added.

What could be the solution to this problem? Thank you.

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answered Mar 30 '1

jconto gravatar image

Check the post "Can be a UDM compiled for PSS/E 34.4 been used in PSS/E 34.5 & 34.7?"

short answer: DLLs for v.34.6 are not usable in v.34.1

But, DLLs for v.34.1 appears to be usable in v.34.6:

"PSS®E 34.6.1 Release Notes - July 2019
This update includes a program correction.
5.1. Program Corrections
The following issues have been identified and corrected in this release:
1. Corrected an issue where certain user model DLLs would fail to load
• PTIUtils.dll and PTIUtils.lib have been updated to include corrections for loading user model DLLs that were compiled prior to the release of PSS®E 34.6.0. This correction does not have an effect on the engine of PSS®E since the modifications needed resided entirely within the PTIUtils DLL."


Thank you jconto for your response. Does this mean I need to upgrade my current PSS/E version?

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Mar 31 '1)

Upgrade whenever is possible.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Apr 5 '1)

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Asked: Mar 30 '1

Seen: 1,901 times

Last updated: Mar 30 '21