Two Winding Transfomer
On Two Winding Transformer, can anyone explainto me what it means, on Control Data, R1max and R1min? What is the difference between Vmax and Vmin?
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On Two Winding Transformer, can anyone explainto me what it means, on Control Data, R1max and R1min? What is the difference between Vmax and Vmin?
Section 4.4.3 Chapter 4 of PAGV1.pdf documentation explains the Two Winding Transformer PSS/E data entry. It includes calculation of off nominal tap ratios which has something to do with the parameters mentioned. Also you may want to check modeling of Phase Shifting Transformers as it also share the above parameter category with ordinary transformer (i.e. Vmax/Vmin may be p.u. voltage or active power in MW and R1max/R1min may be p.u. ratio or phase angle in degrees).
Asked: Jul 7 '0
Seen: 2,210 times
Last updated: Jul 09 '20
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