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Dynamic simulation in PSSE

asked Jan 3 '13

anonymous user


I am using PSS/E to run the dynamic simulation. The system I used is the one together with the software, named 'savnw'. I am able to run power flow and dynamics. But I would like to know if there is a way to export the numerical results of the system matrix 'A' of the dynamic simulation. In that way that we could analyze the system eigenvalues and therefore stability issues. Thanks!


I'd love to know how to answer this. I don't know a way myself. Has anyone else played with this? Are there ways to access the matrix calcs in PSSE?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Jan 6 '13)

Not sure how tricked-out your PSSE installation is but in the "Dynamics" menu there is the "Launch NEVA Eigenvalue Analysis" and "Build Matrices for LSYSAN program" options. These might give the matrices. Not sure since LSYSAN output isn't in text format & I don't have the NEVA module installed...

cajief gravatar imagecajief (Jan 7 '13)

2 answers

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answered Apr 8 '13

Johannes.Thorleiksson gravatar image


It is not possible to get the A matrix from PSS/E without having NEVA and you have to buy it.

I have used the prony analysis in the pssplt to calculate eigenvalues you can find how to operate it in the users manual.


answered Apr 30 '13

EBC gravatar image

Read the PSSPLT Program manual. On page 4-27, it discusses the modal analysis which is of help to what you want to do.


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Asked: Jan 3 '13

Seen: 3,719 times

Last updated: Apr 30 '13