dyntools 33.12 error
I've created a piece of code that extracts results from all .out files in a directory. I have been using it with no issues in 33.7 but with the new version of 33.12 I am trying to get the code updated but I am seeing the following issue:
ine 398, in <module> shorttitle, chanid, chandata = MyChannel.getdata(channels=[], outfile = FaultName) File ".\dyntools.py", line 1483, in getdata KeyError: u'Faultp4_delay.out'
I have updated for the new dyntools but I am still getting the issue. My code is below
MyChannel = dyntools.CHNF(FaultName,outvrsn='0')
shorttitle, chanid, chandata = MyChannel.getdata(channels=[], outfile = FaultName)
Is there anything obvious I am doing incorrectly?
Try.. MyChannel = dyntools.CHNF(FaultName) shorttitle, chanid, chandata = MyChannel.get_data()