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start time for

asked Feb 10 '0

maryam gravatar image

Hello everyone, I want to do a simulation from 2 seconds until 10 seconds. but the code for running the model is, tpause, nprt, nplt,crtplt) and it has only the end time. Does anybody know how to define the tstart for simulation? Thank you.

2 answers

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answered Feb 15 '0

MRS2016 gravatar image

Hi, not sure if my answer is accurate, but is this for the dynamic simulations? Because if so, as stated above, PSSE will run to the end time that is set up. All you have to do is when it reaches its end time is to change/extend the run time. As for getting the results from 2-10 seconds, have you tried changing the x values of the output graphs? Or is that not possible?


answered Feb 10 '0

perolofl gravatar image

After initialisation the time is at minus two time steps. Every call of RUN simulates up to the next pause.

Please read the manual!



Thank you Perolofl. But I couldn't find the solution in the manual. Could you tell me in which part they talk about it? Thank you

maryam gravatar imagemaryam (Feb 13 '0)

See 13.6.3 in Program Application Guide, vol II.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Feb 13 '0)

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Asked: Feb 10 '0

Seen: 887 times

Last updated: Feb 14 '20