WAUX: Wind Auxiliary Control User Defined Model
Hi everybody,
I am writting in this opportunitty because I would like to ask if someone have worked with the Wind Auxilary Control Model of a renewable machine?. I would like to build an auxiliary control user defined model for the renewable machine I am using but I would like to know if building the model from scrach should follow some specific requirements.
I have some experience creating UDM models for syncronous generators but this is my first time working with the slots of a wind generator.
Thank you in advanced.
HI sofigure.I meet the same question with you.I don't know how to describe wind machine index and machine index.I don't know how to pass WPCMND(I) and WQXMND(I) too.Can you give me some advice?Thanks a lot!
In UDM,how to get wind machine index, but not machine index Thanks a lot!
Thanks. @sofiguer