PV and WTG Step Change
How to implement step change on PV and WTG 2nd generation dynamic models? Is it only by changing the values of vref and Pref?
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How to implement step change on PV and WTG 2nd generation dynamic models? Is it only by changing the values of vref and Pref?
I have created a tool named "DMView" to run voltage response test including voltage step change test.
You can download and try it: https://sites.google.com/view/dmview/home%3C/p%3E (https://sites.google.com/view/dmview/home)
Could you please share your tool again, link has expired?
thanks a lot!!
Thanks for the tool. Can you share the redirect module please. I'm getting error of no module named redirect for the dmview.py file and TOOLS\FS.py file.
Take a look at the VARs available in the reeca, reecb, reecc models. Changing those VARs can be used to stimulate a step change for getting response for the renewable models. If the VARs are not available, you can always write a machine model that changes the wpcmd, wqcmd to get your desired simulation response.
I changed the VAR(L) of REPCAU1 model and it's doing a Voltage step. Thanks.
Now for changing p and q set points, you can write a model to change the wpcmd, wqcmd which will give you the desired response
An equivalent approach is to change network voltage and/or frequency at the POI (point of interconnection). Use the playback model PLBVFU1 to run such simulations. Check the posting "PLBVFU1 Playback model" for more info, and the PTI manual, Models -> Generator.
I'm changing the value of CON(J+8) in the REECBU1 to obtain a step response in the terminal voltage of the PV (by 2-3%) while enabling the refflag and fflag in the REPCAU1. No changes in the voltage response.
jconto, I used playback model simulation and it worked. Thanks for suggesting.
Asked: Dec 20 '18
Seen: 1,574 times
Last updated: Jan 29 '19
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Why don't you try that and find out if it works?
it's not working.