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How do I get the short circuit current with the ASCC_3 API?

asked Nov 1 '18

g.valentim gravatar image

I'm trying to get the short circuit currents of a case study. I've applied the ascc_3 api to get the three phase faults in the way down bellow:

ierr, Theveninimpedance = psspy.ascc3(sid=0,all=1,status11=1,scfile=scfilename)

I get the thevenin impedances in the console but I want to export them and the currents to excel as well, how do I do this? I've tried using the asccfile and ascccurrents API's but maybe I did something wrong.

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answered Nov 8 '18

nelak gravatar image

ASCC_CURRENTS should return an array you can parse. Do you have the code you tried to use to implement that?



For the Thevenin Impedance I used the following code: def thevenin_impedance(): ierr, Thevenin_impedance = psspy.ascc_3(sid=0,all=1,status11=1) print Thevenin_impedance vector_thevenin=[] vector_thevenin.append(Thevenin_impedance) return vector_thevenin

g.valentim gravatar imageg.valentim (Nov 14 '18)

And to get the Thevenin impedance i used: Impedance = thevenin_impedance()

g.valentim gravatar imageg.valentim (Nov 14 '18)

For the short circuit current I used the following code: def cc_current(): ierr, current = pssarrays.ascc_currents(sid=0,all=1,flt3ph=1) print current vector_current=[] vector_current.append(current) return vector_current

g.valentim gravatar imageg.valentim (Nov 14 '18)

And to get the the short circuit current i used: Short_circuit = cc_current() but it doesn't appear in the console

g.valentim gravatar imageg.valentim (Nov 14 '18)

If you look in the api documentation, the ascc_currents command does not have an ierr in front of it like most of the other api calls. You're probably looping thru an empty array named "current"

nelak gravatar imagenelak (Dec 9 '18)

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Asked: Nov 1 '18

Seen: 936 times

Last updated: Nov 08 '18