Line closure distribution factor-PSS/E
Does anyone know PSS/E can calculate Line closure distribution factor(LCDF) or Line outage distribution factor(LODF)? or how can use OTDF to transfer? Thanks!
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Does anyone know PSS/E can calculate Line closure distribution factor(LCDF) or Line outage distribution factor(LODF)? or how can use OTDF to transfer? Thanks!
I have found that looping through the contingencies in the .acc file, then looping through the branches for each contingency, then comparing to the "BASE CASE" contingency is the best approach. if you find that one of the distribution factors satisfies some criteria, then you can do what you like with the branch, outage, flow, df, information. (version 34) Here is a snippet that effectively does this.
accobject = arrbox.accc_pp.CONTINGENCY_PP(n1accfnames[j])
accsummary = accobject.summary()
conlabels = accsummary.colabel
branches = list(accsummary.melement)
buses = list(accsummary.mvbuslabel)
# -- GET N-0 RESULTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
n0results = accobject.solution('BASE CASE')
n0volts = n0results.volts
n0flows = list(n0results.ampflow)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- CHECK N-1 RESULTS FOR IMPACTED BUSES AND BRANCHES ------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for prilabel in conlabels[1:]:
results = accobject.solution(prilabel)
pridesc = list(results.codesc)
n1volts = results.volts
n1flows = list(results.ampflow)
if not results.cnvflag: continue
for f in range(len(branches)):
getcon = False
if n1flows[f] == 0.0:
df = abs((n1flows[f] - n0flows[f]) / n0flows[f])
if df > screenDF:
getcon = True
if not getcon:
getcon = True in [abs(n1volts[v] - n0volts[v]) > screenVF for v in range(len(buses))]
if getcon: ....................
Asked: Oct 30 '18
Seen: 856 times
Last updated: Oct 30 '18
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