Bus net MW injection or extraction - Through flow
Is there a function to extract total MW injection into a bus or total MW out of a bus?
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Is there a function to extract total MW injection into a bus or total MW out of a bus?
There is no such function available. You have to write your own!
ierr, cmpval1 = psspy.busdt2(1, "MVA", "ACT") This will give you the MVA value for the bus 1, as a complex number which has both real and imaginary parts. To acces the real part of that number (true power [MW]), do: truePowerMW = cmpval1.real
Asked: 2018-09-23 05:02:08 -0600
Seen: 524 times
Last updated: Sep 27 '18
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Yes, it is total of power flowing into the bus from branches, transformers, HVDC, FACTS etc.
You can write a simple bus other model and call the flow1 function and assign the MW and MVAr flow to VARs in your model. You will be able to get the flows in the line. For Flow1 function, take a look at model documentation