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Example .dyr data for BESS

asked Sep 17 '18

anditsatria gravatar image

I have tried using CBEST or with more detailed modeling with REGCAU1, RECCAU1, and REPCAU1 but no results were obtained. I tried simulating in the IEEE 9 bus model with PSSE 33.5 in transient conditions.

Does anyone have a .dyr example for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) modeling?


I have modeled ESSs with the REGCAU1, REECCU1, and REPCAU1 models... what "results" are you trying to obtain? Specifically what in the dynamics data is causing problems? It is not likely that someone will just place all data online. You need to ask a specific question that is troubling you.

wassup_doc gravatar imagewassup_doc (Sep 18 '18)

I want to see the effect of using BESS on systems, especially on systems with dominant renewable energy variables. Effect of the intermittency from variable renewable energy will greatly effect the frequency stability on the system. Can BESS be a solution to this problem? Thanks

anditsatria gravatar imageanditsatria (Sep 19 '18)

2 answers

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answered Sep 21 '18

jconto gravatar image

At my Google Drive site, I just posted "", a demo data set to simulate a BESS with PSSe v.33 (or v.34). using model REECC family of models.



Thank you for sharing your data. When I try to run and check all the battery parameters, in the REECCU1 parameter edit table model in con descripton it says "No Description". Is it really like that or is something wrong? I use PSSE 33.5.0.

anditsatria gravatar imageanditsatria (Sep 22 '18)

I have v.33.12 and all models parameters have their descriptions (under wind machine tab).

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Sep 22 '18)

Hi Jconto, Sorry to interrupt in this conversation but I badly need some directions for BESS modeling in PSSE. As I am a novice in Power System and PSSE, I have some basic questions. Hope you won't mind answering them. Please see my answer below as there is character limitations here. Thanks

Oridroo gravatar imageOridroo (Sep 29 '18)

Hi Jconto, I have the same problem with anditsatria when I tried the example you provide. My PSSe version is 33.4.0. Because I only find REECAU1 model in "MODELS" document, I think this is why I can not use REECCU1. Can I use REECAU1 to model BESS without considering SOC, or it must use REECCU1?

sugui_ gravatar imagesugui_ (Feb 19 '19)

it must be REECCU1. Time to upgrade PSSe.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Feb 21 '19)

answered Sep 29 '18

Oridroo gravatar image

updated Oct 2 '18

jconto gravatar image
  1. Shall the 'REPCAU1' details appear in PSSE Renewable Machine tab? After running the Python script or loading the dynamic data file, I have not found it?

JC: No, it doesn't.

  1. In your model (One BESS and one Classic Generator at infinite bus), what is the source for the battery storage? The classic generator?

JC: Yes, the classic generator would be the source for recharging the battery.

  1. In my model, I am trying to replace the Synchronous generators by PV generators at a particular bus. (Bus 201) Initially, for the generator, Pgen= 3375 MW and Mbase= 4000MVA. (My PSSE base MVA is 100). Then I changed the Pgen and Mbase of that generator to Pgen= 2000 MW and Mbase= 2000 MVA and added a PV generator at that bus with Pgen= 1375 MW and Mbase= 2000 MVA. Now, how I would add the BESS to this bus? Just changing the Bus number and machine ID would work? -->JC: Yes. How to determine the battery storage capacity and Pgen, MVA etc. ?

JC: Read the EPRI manuals. "SOCini – this is the initial state of charge on the battery and is a user entered value. It should be in per unit; 1 per unit means fully charged and 0 per unit means fully discharged."

  1. My ultimate aim is to introduce Renewable generators to the system by replacing the traditional synchronous generators and see the effect on frequency change and system stability.

JC: Set SOCini to 1, adjust SOCmax & SOC min accordingly

  1. For now, I am adding a Bus fault at another bus and removing it after a certain time. I have used Exciter and PSS as control mechanism. The system is recovering from the fault to it's initial state (zero level) after a certain time when the overall generation at bus 201 is equal to 3375 MW. But if I change this generation for example 3200 MW or 3400 MW, then the system is not storing back to it's initial condition after the fault. It's either going downwards or upwards slightly.

JC: perform a non-disturbance run first for every dispatch. If you get flat lines for the monitored variables, then perform the fault cases else check the log file for suspect condition warnings.

As I am unable to attach any file yet because of shortage of Karma points, I am unable to attach files or images. So I have posted my whole DYR file below. Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.

//Dynamics parameters for reduced Australian model

102 'GENSAE' 1 8.5 0.05 0.2 3.6 0 1.1 0.65 0.25 0.25 0.14 0 0 /

201 'GENROE' 1 8.5 0.04 0.3 0.08 3.2 0 1.8 1.75 0.3 0.7 0.21 0.2 0 0 /

203 'GENROE' 1 4.5 0.04 1.5 0.06 2.8 0 2.2 2.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.17 0 0 /

205 'GENROE ... (more)



I added some answers below your question. Latest practice is to replace PVGU1 with renewable second generation models (REGCA...)

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Oct 2 '18)

Hello sir jconto.. I'm from India.. I need your help.. How to model PV and BESS connected at the same to study Effect of BESS

Venky gravatar imageVenky (Jul 11 '3)

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Asked: Sep 17 '18

Seen: 4,159 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '18