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Voltage Collapse

asked Apr 16 '18

MRS2016 gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I am looking for some instructions on how to take a random PSSE case and push it close to voltage collapse for simulations purposes. I heard you could use PV analysis to find out the max incremental transfer power for the system, but I’m lost on what to do after that. Please help

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answered Feb 18 '1

Pasnos gravatar image

Loads play an important role on this analysis. Nonetheless, as you may have modelled them as constant P,Q, the PV analysis will proceed with incremental power changes (load or generation) in the area that you will have determined in the dfax files (thereby stressing the system towards a specific determined direction) until the point of no further solution, due to load flow equations limits. What jconto mentions is correct. You have to select to save all the incremental load flow cases in the PV analysis and retrieve the sav file just before the collapse. This corresponds to the limiting case (nose curve point). If you want to go further (down the nose curve) you will have to change the modelling of the loads, i.e. proceed with a relaxation of constant current or constant impedance load modelling. Nonetheless, these operating points do not correspond to more active power consumption, but rather to unstable operating points.


answered Apr 30 '18

MRS2016 gravatar image

Apparently PSSE PV-analysis can determine how much more voltage the system can take, but after that, to push the system there, you have to scale the load.



That makes sense. Thank you

MRS2016 gravatar imageMRS2016 (May 23 '18)

answered Apr 17 '18

jconto gravatar image

Check the posting "How to calculate the best load shedding bus?"

Use PV analisys to find a collapse condition and save the case one step before such collapse condition. Once you have a case near the collapse point, you can proceed with your simulation. BTW, What is the simulation purpose?



Thank you for the information. As for the simulation purpose, I am trying to understand how load models play a part in dynamic simulations.

MRS2016 gravatar imageMRS2016 (Apr 18 '18)

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Asked: Apr 16 '18

Seen: 694 times

Last updated: Feb 18 '21