Dynamic simulation initialized out of limit(s)
I get initial conditions suspect with this error:
initialized out of limit(s) PMECH(I)/CON(J+13)
I am using IEEEG3.
How to solve this??
Thank you in advance
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I get initial conditions suspect with this error:
initialized out of limit(s) PMECH(I)/CON(J+13)
I am using IEEEG3.
How to solve this??
Thank you in advance
I have 2 generators. Pgen1=30MW,Qgen=49Mvar, Pmax=125,Pmin=0. MBASE=147 Pgen2 =98MW,Qgen=21Mvar,Pmax=125,Pmin=0. MBASE=147
I am using GENSAL for the generators.
Thank you for the reply.
Load flow data are ok. The problem lies in the dynamic model IEEEG3. What are the values for a23, PMAX and PMIN in IEEEG3?
Pmax=0.875 Pmin=0.425 a23=1
Pmin in model IEEEG3 is 0.425x147 = 62.475 MW while in load flow Pgen1 is only 30 MW. The dynamic power limits are not matching the load flow limits of Pmin=0 and Pmax=125 MW. Increase Pgen1 or decrease Pmin in IEEEG3!
thank you, it solved the issue.
I face the same problem for IEEEG1, Can you help please
Asked: Jun 1 '17
Seen: 1,060 times
Last updated: Jun 01 '17