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Short circuit current as function of distance from bus

asked Feb 9 '15

Transmission Impossible gravatar image

updated Jun 8 '15

I want to plot how the short circuit current (L-G) decays, as a function of the distance from a bus. That is, assuming a radial topology, the short circuit will be lower if the fault occurs at the end of a line, instead of the end.

image description (Figure 10.4 in POM)

I can run SCMU to create the faults, like this:

psspy.scmu(1,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],"")      # Need to run this first        
psspy.scmu(2,[9,54193,54223,1,1,0,0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.05],r"""1""")   # Fault 5% from 54193
psspy.scmu(3,[9,54193,54223,1,1,0,0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.05],r"""1""")   # Clear fault

Now, it's fairly simple to run this in a loop where I change the distance from 54193 from 0.05 to 0.95. My problem is, I don't know how the results are stored and how I can access them. I'm assuming I have to use SCOP, but I'm not exactly sure how. I don't find it in POM or API. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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answered Jun 12 '15

sheng gravatar image

updated Jun 12 '15

You can use the short-circuit data retrieval APIs after SCMU.

Use this API to initialize the short-circuit data retrieval APIs. It must be called when PSS(R)E is at the power flow activity level and must follow each execution of activity SCMU. Can be followed by SCBUS2, SCBRN2, SC3WND and SCMAC2 calls. SCDONE must be called after executing these and before any other calls or PSS(R)E activities can be executed.

    Python syntax:

    ierr = scinit()

    Integer IERR      Is the error code (output):
    IERR = 0 No error.
    IERR = 1 Sequence data not in case.
    IERR = 2 Unable to access SCMU results; one of the following occurred:
    *  No SCMU results file is open.
    *  SCMU results are not compatible with the working case.
    *  Error reading the SCMU results file.

scbus2(ibus=None, string=None)
Returns complex bus voltages and currents following activity SCMU.

    Python syntax:

    ierr, cmpval = scbus2(ibus, string)

    Integer IBUS      Bus number (input).
    Character STRING     String indicating the quantity desired (input):
    'VPOS'   Positive sequence voltage.
    'VNEG'   Negative sequence voltage.
    'VZERO'  Zero sequence voltage.
    'VA'  A-phase voltage.
    'VB'  B-phase voltage.
    'VC'  C-phase voltage.
    'SHUNTP' Positive sequence shunt current.
    'SHUNTN' Negative sequence shunt current.
    'SHUNTZ' Zero sequence shunt current.
    'SHUNTA' A-phase shunt current.
    'SHUNTB' B-phase shunt current.
    'SHUNTC' C-phase shunt current.
    'FAULTP' Positive sequence fault current.
    'FAULTN' Negative sequence fault current.
    'FAULTZ' Zero sequence fault current.
    'FAULTA' A-phase fault current.
    'FAULTB' B-phase fault current.
    'FAULTC' C-phase fault current.
    Real P      Real component of the complex value indicated by STRING (output).
    Real Q      Reactive component of the complex value indicated by STRING (output).
    Complex CMPVAL    Complex value indicated by STRING (output).
    Integer IERR      Is the error code (output):
    IERR = 0 No error; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' returned.
    IERR = 1 'SCINIT' not successfully called; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' unchanged.
    IERR = 2 Bus not found; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' unchanged.
    IERR = 3 Bad value of 'STRING'; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' unchanged.
    IERR = 4 Bus disconnected; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' of (0.,0.) returned.
    IERR = 5 Bus not faulted; 'P,Q' or 'CMPVAL' of (0.,0.) returned.

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Asked: Feb 9 '15

Seen: 2,336 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '15