controlling a phase shifting transformer

asked Mar 5 '14

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Any ideas on how to model the control of a phase shifting transformer? Ideally I would like a bandwith between 100 and 300 MW and then run load flows and ACCC:s for different load/generation scenarios where the optimal angle would be used. I understand PSS/E can't do this as it would instead just lock on to for example 110 MW and then go with that only to change to have the solution converge.

My idea so far is to just run the different scenarios manually and find my own optimal Vmin (MW) and Vmax (MW) then just change Vmin and Vmax for each load/generation scenario. I then run my ACCC:s etc. on that scenario before going to the next load scenario and so on...

As an example: lets say I find 230 MW is a good target for one of my load scenarios. For that load scenario by "manually" changing Vmin=225 and Vmax= 235 the transformer would end up in that same range and angle more in line with how that potential transformer would have been run in reality.

Is there a more convenient way that anyone here can suggest?